Settlement handbook
An easy-to-read explainer of the South West Native Title Settlement and Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)

WKSN condemns racist protests
WKSN condemns the use of racist attacks and misinformation by opponents of the South Coast Marine Park.

Welcome to Country list
Add your name to our list of Elders available to perform Welcomes to Country.

Funding for the WKSN ranger program
WKSN will receive $1,106,811 of funding from the state government’s Aboriginal Ranger Program to start our new WKSN Ranger Program.

Menang Ancestral Remains Repatriation Meeting
A meeting for Menang Aboriginal community members to finalise the processes of the return to Albany and the reburial processes of six Menang Ancestors.

South Coast Marine Park: draft management plan out now
The South Coast Marine Park is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to protect and preserve one of the most beautiful and biodiverse regions in Australia.