Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act (ACHA)

In regard to changes to the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act, the Wagyl Kaip Southern Noongar Aboriginal Corporation (WKSN) provides the following advice:

Under both the previous Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 and the new Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021, it is an offence to damage Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Sites.

WKSN advises proponents with current Noongar Standard Heritage Agreements (NSHAs) in place with the South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council or WKSN, to continue to adhere to the terms of the NSHAs including sending activity notices.

For other proponents please exercise due diligence and contact the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) to seek preliminary advice on proposed activities.

If you have questions about what the proposed changes to the legislation means for you, please contact DPLH by email at AboriginalHeritage@dplh.wa.gov.au or by phone on 6551 8002.