The WKSN Charitable Trust has new Elders payments

WKSN people aged 60 years and over can now apply to the Trust for a $500 payment every five years:

  • 60 years: $500

  • 65 years: $500

  • 70 years: $500

  • 75 years: $500

  • 80 years: $500

  • 85 years: $500

  • 90 years: $500

  • 95 years: $500

  • 100 years: $500 and so on. 

To apply please download and complete the Elders Assistance Application Form (PDF 542KB), and return it to Equity Trustees.

If you have any questions or need assistance with your application, please contact Nic Merson on (08) 6220 0506 or email:

WKSN Aboriginal Charitable Trust Fund

The Wagyl Kaip Southern Noongar Aboriginal Corporation doesn’t provide grants or payments to individuals, however WKSN Charitable Trust is a separate fund that exists to benefit eligible members of the Wagyl Kaip and Southern Noongar agreement group. It is not run by our corporation, and you don’t need to be a member of our corporation to apply.

The Charitable Trust has the following objectives:

  • Relief of poverty;

  • Relief of the needs arising from old age;

  • Relief of sickness or distress;

  • The advancement of education; and

  • Other purposes beneficial to the community, including promotion and advancement of law and culture.

Payments for individuals

There are two kinds of payments that can be made to individuals:

  1. Elder payment: a one off payment of $500 for people aged 60 years of age, and every five years following.
    Download an application for the Elder payment. (PDF 542KB)

  2. Funeral payment: $3,000 per member, which is paid directly to an approved funeral home of applicant’s choice.
    Download an application for the funeral payment. (PDF 366KB)

The Trust also gives Community Centre Payments of $12,500pa to six community centres in the WKSN region.

Grant funding program

There is also a grant funding program to support services and activities on WKSN country to support WKSN people. There are two funding categories:

  • Cultural Heritage and Connection to Country; and

  • Aboriginal Children and Youth (0-25 years)

Grants can be made to:

  • Registered Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations that are based on WKSN country and have the ability to deliver services/activities on WKSN country

  • Family Based Organisations operating on Wagyl Kaip country

  • Individual WKSN members who are living and operating on Wagyl Kaip country (must be partnered with dot point 1 or 2)

Grants are approved four times a year. Funding rounds close 20 February, 20 May, 20 August, 20 November 11.59pm AWST


Download the WKSN Charitable Trust Guidelines.

Download the WKSN Charitable Trust Application Form.

For more information

Visit the WKSN Aboriginal Charitable Trust website for more information:

Managed by Equity Trustees
Level 3, 28 The Esplanade Perth

Client Relationship Manager: Nic Merson (08) 6220 0506

Phone: (03) 8623 5000