Bunuru newsletter

Our latest newsletter is out now. In it you'll meet our new CEO, find out more about the Noongar Land Estate community meetings, and read about the new cooperative management committee.

Click the link to download a pdf copy now, and keep an eye out for a paper copy in your mailbox.

Have your contact details changed?

Just moved house or got a new phone or email address? Please let us know! You can update your info on our website, or if you prefer you can email us at kaya@wagylkaip.org.au or call our office on (08) 8166 1940.

We're hiring!

WKSN is looking for a Finance, Administration & Membership Officer! This is a full-time role that will be based in Albany. You'll assist with a range of administrative and accounting tasks, including database management, customer service, and assisting the Executive Officer. Applications close COB Monday 26 February 2024.

See the Seek website for full details and apply.


Apply to join the Aboriginal Advisory Council of Western Australia


FQM Australia Nickel transition