South Coast Marine Park Joint Management Body

The South Coast Marine Park has been established and includes four adjacent marine parks.  

The Mamang Maambakoort Marine Park is in the Wagyl Kaip Southern Noongar region and will be jointly managed with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA).

A Joint Management Body will manage the Mamang Maambakoort Marine Park.

The Joint Management Body will have responsibility to develop and approve an Annual Operation Plan, which will be implemented by DBCA. The Joint Management Body will consist of six (6) WKSN Aboriginal Corporation members.

The Corporation called for expressions of interest for the Joint Management Body.

The board has considered all applications and appointed the following:

  • Graeme Miniter

  • Deborah Woods

  • Murray Hodgson

  • Stuart Roberts

  • Iris Woods

  • Darryl Eades


We have moved


Cooperative Management Committee appointments