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About us
The Wagyl Kaip Southern Noongar Aboriginal Corporation represents the people of the the Wagyl Kaip Southern Noongar agreement group as part of the South West Native Title Settlement. Our purpose is to support and inspire a strong and unified Wagyl Kaip Southern Noongar Nation by maximising the benefits of the Settlement for Wagyl Kaip Southern Noongar people, culture, knowledge land and sea.
The Wagyl Kaip Southern Noongar agreement group region refers to the Ganeang, Goreng and Menang dialectals groups from the Great Southern area of Western Australia. The region includes the towns of Boyup Brook, Gnowangerup, Bridgetown, Walpole, Denmark, Mt Barker, Cranbrook, Tambellup, Katanning, Kojonup, Nyabing, Jerramungup, Ravensthorpe, Hopetoun, Bremer Bay and Albany. Wagyl Kaip and Southern Noongar lays east of the South West Boojarah region and south of the Gnaala Karla Booja and Ballardong regions.
The approximate size of the Wagyl Kaip Southern Noongar region is 52,246 sq kms. There are many cultural and significant sites in the region, including the Stirling Ranges.
Our governance structure
The Wagyl Kaip Southern Noongar Aboriginal Corporation is governed by a board of directors and a cultural advice committee. Learn more about them here.

We love the chance to meet with members in person, which is why our team travels frequently throughout the region. Please email us to arrange a time to meet with us in person and we’ll do our best to make that happen.
Here’s how to find us:
General enquiries: kaya@wagylkaip.org.au
Heritage: heritage@wagylkaip.org.au
Land: lands@wagylkaip.org.au
Media enquiries: media@noongar.org.au
08 8166 1940
Office location
Unit 1, 129 Aberdeen Street
Albany WA 6330
Postal address
PO Box 5055
Albany WA 6332